June 14, 2013
I sit here and stare at my computer screen. My eyes just
want to close. How to pray, what to pray, nothing is clear – just a jumbled
mess of thoughts and feelings and an overwhelming sense of tiredness. The last
two days haven’t been bad, just busy – filled with good things, things that
needed done, but maybe filled too full. I’ve spent a lot of time with my husband
side-by-side, but we haven’t gotten a lot of face-to-face time, and I miss
that. I’m really excited about our date night tonight.
I feel like I’ve failed a lot over the past two days – for
one thing, my practical preparedness has been lacking immensely (forgetting
Noah’s bed, forgetting to pump up the volleyball, failing to plan out what we
need for the day resulting in rushed, hurried, stressful mornings). Quadrant
two has been neglected. And I need to get back to a level of functioning that
allows me to prioritize the most important things in order to live a smoother
Thoughts are still jumbled.
I want to pray for my family. I want to submit this day to You. I want
to discover exactly what it is on my heart this morning, and I want you to take
control of the deep places, the scary corners that I don’t understand.
For a while, I feel like You’ve been doing a great work in
my life. Helping me to focus on gratefulness, service, walking in the Spirit.
The walking itself does not eliminate the chaos of the day, but helps me to
learn how to react and respond to it differently than I used to. I don’t think
this matched up with my original picture of walking in the Spirit. I had the
sense that if I were to be walking step by step with You, my life would miraculously
transform into this bed of roses and everything would be walking on sunshine.
My problems would disappear and any circumstances that were not ideal would be
swept into glorious graces.
Reality has shown me that the truth of the matter is that life
is hard, and when we are walking with the Spirit, sometimes life gets harder.
What I mean is that our enemy doesn’t like to see us learning how to live like
Christ. If we are going to be believers, he wants to keep us as complacent and
minimally effective as possible. If there’s one thing he hates more than a
Christ Follower, it’s a Christ Follower on Fire!
Part of me might want to get discouraged, say walking with
the spirit is too much work. I’m encountering more trials now than I ever did
when I wasn’t trying as hard. Life was easier when I was just coasting. But
what is coasting? Just waiting for the end? What kind of life is that?
If I really want to LIVE and I mean LIVE this life to the
fullest, experiencing each moment as a gift that it is and giving all the glory
back to God, I have to be willing to struggle, suffer, sacrifice. Ken Davis
puts it this way, ... And a life that is truly alive is not “safe,
comfortable, passive, and predictable, but crazy—filled to overflowing with
adventure, risk, and emotion.” That’s the kind of life I want to be living.
So I choose right now the struggle. Lord, I know nothing
comes my way unless it is sifted through your fingers first, and you have
already provided the grace that I need to make it through each moment.
I choose right now to suffer because in suffering, we are
made aware of our weaknesses and if we persevere, we come out on the other side
stronger. In this world I will have trouble, but I will take heart for my
Savior has already overcome the world.
And I choose right now sacrifice because that’s what You
chose for me. You paid the ultimate price to call me your child, and You are
deserving of every ounce of strength I have every single day for the rest of my
life. I will give You my best! I will give You my heart even if it costs me my
life! Because that’s the life I want – one that is fully alive (the only way I
can be truly alive) in You!
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