Monday, January 2, 2012

Um, Tower? Come in. Over.

I can only hear broken pieces of words surround the static as I frantically compress the talk button and summon my commander once again. "Tower, Come in. Over." The static takes over the line as I make out, "Ta....nd...ff the....utton." I still can't make out what they're saying. "Tower. I cannot read you. I repeat, I cannot read you! Over." My anxiety level grows as I realize that if I cannot hear from Tower, I'll never get these wings off the ground - and I'll never start my expedition, much less complete it.

I look around the cockpit at all the flashing lights, levers, and buttons. I don't have a clue what I'm doing here. How am I supposed to fly this thing?

I adjust the gain and the frequency of my radio and try again. "Tower! I need some imput here. Over." I slouch back in my chair and drop my hands into my lap. The silence broke with a loud commanding voice, and I had to cover my ears at the sheer volume. I adjusted it down to a more tollerable level just in time to clearly hear. "Take your hand off the button. Over."

My mouth dropped. I was so preoccupied with aquiring Tower's attention that I had scarcely released the talk button long enough to even hear a responce. I sat back, placed my hands in my lap, and listened.

Lessons learned from Elijah - 1 Kings 19. Stay tuned for more of what I've learned from my conversations with Tower.

Picture of the Day

Yes, my Christmas tree is still up. For some reason, I don't think the rememberance of our Savior's birth and the celebration of such should be limited just to the end of the year - why not carry it through the new year and start things off with the right perspective! : )

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